Tag Archives: Philadelphia

SS City of Glasgow

The Steamship City of Glasgow disappeared “without a trace ” in March 1854. No bodies were ever recovered, no wreckage ever found. Five hundred passengers and the ship simply vanished.

Left behind were family members pacing the Philadelphia wharf expecting her to arrive “any day”. Newspapers from three continents excused her late arrival because of weather or mechanical breakdowns.

Let Glasgow Flourish is a nautical biography of her short life and postulates where and how she disappeared in the North Atlantic.  Included are many personal stories of the men and women who sailed with her starting from her maiden voyage in 1850 until her demise.

Let Glasgow Flourish recounts the glory of her days and the men who pace the Philadelphia pier awaiting her arrival.

Let Glasgow Flourish; The Disappearance of the SS City of Glasgow is available on Amazon:

